

  • 姓         名:施玟玲 (Professor Wen-Ling Shih)
  • 職         稱:行政副校長
  • 電         話:08-7740528
  • 傳         真:08-7740530
  •   E-mail    : wlshih@mail.npust.edu.tw
  • 專長領域:微生物及免疫學、分子細胞生物學、基因調控、細胞凋亡、訊息傳遞、機能物安全與功效評估、齧齒類動物實驗
院校系所學位畢 業 年
服務機關職稱起 訖 年 月
國立屏東科技大學行政副校長112.8 – 迄今
國立屏東科技大學生物科技系教授100.8 – 迄今
服務機關職稱起 訖 年 月
國立屏東科技大學主任秘書111.8 – 113.7
國立屏東科技大學第八屆教師會理事長109.8 – 111.7
國立屏東科技大學 農學院副院長106.8 – 109.7
國立屏東科技大學 生物科技系教授100.8 – 迄今
國立屏東科技大學 生物科技研究所副教授97.8 – 100.7
慈濟大學 生命科學系副教授95.5 – 97.7
慈濟大學 生命科學系助理教授92.8 – 95.4
慈惠醫護管理專科學校 護理科助理教授90.8 – 92.7



Name:Wen-Ling Shih

Present Job:Vice President for Administration



E-mail : wlshih@mail.npust.edu.tw

Specialized Field:

Microbiology and Immunology, Molecular Cell Biology, Gene Regulation, Apoptosis, Safety and Efficacy Evaluation of Functional Substances, Rodent Experiments

Highest Education:Ph. D. Graduate Institute of Microbiology, National Taiwan University,

Working Experience:

2001/08~2003/07 Assistant Professor, Department of Nursing, Tzu-Hui Institute of Technology

2003/08~2006/04 Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute and Department of Life Science, Tzu-Chi University

2006/05~2008/07 Associate Professor, Graduate Institute and Department of Life Science, Tzu-Chi University

2008/08~20011/07 Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Biotechnology, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology

2011/08~present  Professor, Department of Biological Science and Technology, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology

Honor and Awards:

  1. Outstanding Poster Award at the 4th Taiwan Joint Cancer Conference.
  2. 2001/06 Outstanding Paper Award from the College of Medicine, National Taiwan University.
  3. 2004/08 Outstanding Paper Award from Liver Disease Prevention and the Treatment Research Foundation.
  4. 2005 Dr. Wu Da-You Memorial Award from the National Science Council. (30 people nationwide each year)
  5. Outstanding Paper Award from Tzu-Chi University in 2004–2007.
  6. 2006/03 Outstanding Poster Awards by the 21st Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences.
  7. 2008/03 Outstanding Poster Awards by the 23rd Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences.
  8. 2013 Winning Works of the Press Conference on the Latest Achievements of Industry-Academic R&D in Technical Colleges and Universities
  9. 2013-2017 Special talents rewards by Ministry of Science and Technology
  10. 2015 Premium of R&D Competition by National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
  11. 2016 Outstanding Awards of R&D Competition by NPUST
  12. 2016 Taipei International Invention Show and Technology Trade Bronze Medal Award
  13. 2016 International Invention Design Competition (Hong Kong) Gold Medal and Special Award
  14. 2018 Professional Teaching Distinguished Teacher Level 1 in NPUST
  15. 2019 Outstanding Teachers in Innovative Teaching Level 1 in NPUST
  16. 2019 Taiwan Innovation Technology Expo Bronze Medal Award
  17. 2019 The 13th Polish International Invention Exhibition Gold Medal and Special Award
  18. 2020 The 19th Malaysia MTE International Invention Exhibition and Invention Competition Silver Medal Award and Special Award
  19. 2020 Guiding students to win second place in the biotechnology, medical and agricultural group of the NPUST Practical Topic Competition
  20. 2021 Guiding students to obtain outstanding works from the biotechnology, medical and agricultural group of the National Practical Topic Competition
  21. 2022 Premium of R&D Competition by National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
  22. 2023 Malaysia ITEX International Invention Exhibition Gold Medal
Serial Number Patent Name Country Patent Number Inventor Patent Period
1 A compound for preparing drugs for preventing hepatitis B R.O.C. I477277 Wen-Ling Shih/Chi-I Chang 2015/03/21~ 2033/12/01
2 Pharmaceutical compositions for antibacterial and uses thereof R.O.C. I498336 Wen-Ling Shih / Hsiang-Ju Hsiao 2015/09/01~ 2032/02/28
3 Essential oil compositions in preparing antibacterial agents R.O.C. I644989 Wen-Ling Shih / I-Hsiang Lai 2018/12/21~ 2037/12/17
4 Essential oil compositions in preparing antioxidants R.O.C. I654988 Wen-Ling Shih / I-Hsiang Lai 2019/04/01~ 2037/12/17
5 Caulerpa microphysa extract and its additives R.O.C. I725715 Wen-Ling Shih / Meng-Chou Lee 2021/04/21~ 2040/01/19
6 Extracts of tea seed meal, methods and additives thereof R.O.C. I783403 Wen-Ling Shih / Chi-I Chang / Ching-Dong Chang /Tsung-MingYeh 2022/11/11~ 2041/03/15
7 Brown rice extract and its additives R.O.C. I861054 Yu-Min Wang / Wen-Ling Shih 2024/11/11~ 2040/02/06
8 Product combination containing Caulerpa microphysa R.O.C. M596605 Wen-Ling Shih / Meng-Chou Lee 2020/06/11~ 2030/01/15
9 Product combination containing brown rice extract R.O.C. M602423 Wen-Ling Shih / Yu-Min Wang 2020/10/11~ 2030/02/06
10 Turtle oil product combination extracted from soft-shell turtle fat R.O.C. M609375 Wen-Ling Shih / Chia-En Yang/ Tsung-MingYeh 2021/03/21~ 2030/10/07
11 Product combination of Momordica cochinchinensis (Lour.) Spreng. aril fruit extract R.O.C. M615966 Wen-Ling Shih / Hsueh-Ling Cheng / Ming-Chang Wu / Ping-Chien Cheng 2021/08/21~ 2031/04/14
12 Product combination with tea seed meal extract R.O.C. M618043 Wen-Ling Shih / Chi-I Chang / Ching-Dong Chang /Tsung-MingYeh 2021/101/11~ 2031/03/15
13 Food product combination with Momordica cochinchinensis (Lour.) Spreng. aril extract R.O.C. M631299 Wen-Ling Shih / Hsueh-Ling Cheng / Ming-Chang Wu / Ping-Chien Cheng 2022/09/01~ 2031/04/14